
ESPN 30 for 30 presents: Three Tugs and a Cloud of Dust: The Manipulation of Robert Kraft 

Dude, if you cant roll a joint freehand then go practice until you can.

Dude, if you cant roll a joint freehand then go practice until you can.

What I do is, I buy food that I don’t plan on using right away. Usually meats. Then I put them in the freezer. They tend to last longer than leaving them in the freezer or just out on a counter somewhere.  Then when I want some of that food, I take it out of the freezer.  #protip

Don’t we already have two eternal Middle East wars that are the result of taking highly trained and skilled fighters and giving them barely thought out, constantly changing plans and rules written by profiteers and cowards? Do we need the NFL to follow that model?

Good for Philly to have the longest and biggest thing again after Foles left town

The player who dunked is a walk-on. He’s not on scholarship, he works his tail off in practice every day, and never gets to play except in the last minute of a blow out.

The ##### Mightier Than The Sword.

This pun really cracks me up.

The “individual who created the graphic” should have just blamed the equipment guy.

Tapatio is the king, because it is adds hotness without killing the flavor, but also it is $4 for 32 oz. I know there are hotter and more specialized, but the price and balance makes Tapatio the best everyday hot sauce.

Tapatio is the king, because it is adds hotness without killing the flavor, but also it is $4 for 32 oz. I know

It is, however, an animal byproduct and therefore not Vegan.

If it weren’t vegetarian, they wouldn’t call it “tossing salad”.

“and ordered Mr. Rooney held until sober”

The only person who saw all this coming was Tony Romo. 

And I try to stay away from Santa Fe. It’s all either hippies, yuppie scumbags, or tourists.

So, you’re saying even if Carroll has the chance to win the game with a field goal, he’ll pass?

What the fuck kind of take is that ham talk? Ham is fucking amazing and stands on its own far better than turkey which requires gravy to be made palatable. A spiral cut ham or a salty Smithfield ham makes life worth living when surrounded by snot-nosed niblings or Trump-humping uncles.

Wow, Jordan’s friend is an incredible douchecanoe. “Six days in a medium-sized European city?” What.The.Fuck.

I’m gonna just hang up my professor’s hat right now, because god damn, that’s better than anything I’ve produced in years.