
It is unfortunate that many managers care more about being the boss than about being leaders.

Nah man. They’ll intentionally “break down” on the highway to slow things down.

I’ve been walking on clouds, flipping off rainbows since hearing this.

Its not easy being gray!


he gets that off and I’m still in the grey, eph me!

It is okay to call a racist a racist

Point of order: Their gerrymandering isn’t technically illegal according to the Supreme Court.

Provel cheese sucks

The dress is obviously blue!

Hehehehe, vertical hehehehehe shaft

My understanding is that RGB clerks are asked if they would be willing to go full Weekend at Bernie’s if necessary during the interview process.

Yeah, I’d hate your kid to think that people like Steve Jobs, Oprah, Martha Stewart, Carl Sagan, Richard Branson, or Elon Musk were successful people.

Somebody please ask Trump if he will consider pardoning this guy.

You mean, tough times like living in Ohio?

I spent $2.99 on Master of Reality (Black Sabbath) cassette tape on a road trip in the middle of nowhere Arizona sometime in the early 90's.  Changed my world!

I store water in my freezer, then use the resulting ice to make liquids I drink colder!  

It’s about time we finally sent women out there to clean up all this space junk! Get to work and then make me a space sandwich and some Tang!

Video and music services, free shipping is the extra.