It’s a phase to piss off her Naperville parents. Thanksgiving ought to be a blast.
It’s a phase to piss off her Naperville parents. Thanksgiving ought to be a blast.
The irony here is so delicious this post could almost be considered Foodspin.
So if they were playing a Jewish school and had a sign that said “get ready for a second Holocaust”, would you commend them for that?
I’ll get you out of the greys. You need to be publicly shamed.
And since this is officially my last ro-deo doing this on DUAN for a while, I’d like to thank all of you who’ve read my aimless rantings, and argued with me, and made inside jokes in our little subsection of a subsection of a blog about dick pics. Truly, the internet is a strange place sometimes.
Drink up, Chicago.
Well, there you have it, another valedictory lap for Nas. When this whole project was announced you’d have been wise to evaluate it as “Illmatic and the 24 Second Best Hip Hop Albums of All Time.” Remember that for next time. But we’re here now, your humbled author tasked with writing about the perfect hip hop album…
Briles can burn in hell for all I care. That still wouldn’t atone for all of his inaction and failure as a human being and Child of God.
Just because...
Also, I can’t think of a better take down/revenge track:
“Sweet Mama” - Blue Mountain Eagle
I keep waiting for Snickers PB Squared to become the Halloween gold standard. It’s the perfect size. It’s got everything going for it, except tradition. One of these years it breaks through.
this guy gets it
Neon Blonde - Black Cactus Killers
The Great KAT. Queen of shredding.
‘Planet Caravan’ - Black Sabbath
Not surprised to see Penn State have its way with a young OSU team.
Looks like Stanford should have called “doorknob” a bit faster.