
That was really cool. Thanks for the post.

Now playing

Great choice Barry. Love the new Opeth. I’ve gotten this underrated Metallica song in my head for past two weeks.

Suh was quoted as saying, “I’m... FIFTY!” during the play.

Now playing

Moanin’ at Midnight - Howlin Wolf. This the version from 1969's The Howlin’ Wolf Album. It’s kind of a psychedelic take on the blues featuring Minnie Riperton’s band, The Rotary Connection. Funny enough, Wolf doesn’t actually play much guitar on it, but it’s a really cool record.

Now playing

Get some Bay Area thrash into your lives tonight. New Testament album in two weeks


That’s more than what Tebow can do.

.182?! He should take notes from the Romans. Now there is a group who knew how to hit the wood and bring home some bodies.

Finally a pro scout recognizes Tebow as a quarterback.

Based on my experience with the Dutch reach, you have to pay extra for the eye contact when it’s being performed.

OF COURSE they’re doing it for publicity. It’s why you protest - to put public attention on an issue.

Donald Trump was accused by the Justice Department in the 1970's of refusing to rent apartments in his developments to black people.

“First of all, [Donald Trump] has no game”
-Clare Malone, Fivethirtyeight

This is all the more heartbreaking because, damn, look at his posts. He’s basically begging somebody, anybody, to come and stop him, tell him they love him, whatever. His heart clearly wasn’t into it. He just hit a wall. I know what that’s about.