
I had a friend once who claimed to be vegetarian, but ate chicken. When the hell did chicken become a vegetable? And if you eat fish but no other meat, you’re pescetarian.

I honestly don’t see how this is that different from getting married in a church. Churches also do funerals, complete with dead bodies. They don’t store the bodies on the premises, but its not like using the same building for weddings and funerals is unusual.

Not that I’m equating the two, but puts me to mind of all the Project Runway ‘atypical model’ challenges and the shit losing that ensues. The designers complain about having to fit large, small, tall or older bodies and go on some righteous rant about how they only work with supermodels.

This is more of a ghost story than a hook up story, but the ghost was kind of essential to the story. It was the last wedding in my wedding season from hell I was in like 3 weddings and attended 2 more and was very very single. I was a bridesmaid in my best friend’s wedding and was partnered with a tall, handsome,

You know who never gets caught despite all the illegal shit they do? Fucking Luschek.

Went to Gettysburg when I was a kid with my mother, my brother, and my grandmother. My grandmother, who can’t drive for shit, drove the whole way and refused to let my mother take the wheel. So we were treated to her constantly stopping on the goddamn interstate to check and see if she had missed her exit, while cars

Nuance is good. I think the fight for human rights and equality on all axes shouldn’t be compromised, but I also think it’s really important to acknowledge that even with that basic value there’s more than one way of approaching policy as well as specific issues.

I’m so glad someone else on this planet has a rich fantasy life that heavily features Overboard.

I live in Belfast, I know this subway and I have seen worse things happen after the pubs shut! Also the tradition is to never ask a Celt what he is wearing under his kilt because they WILL show you lol

I should add that every single Friday since their marriage, he comes home with a rose, kisses her, and says, “Thank you for marrying me.” There’s a specific vace for “Mom’s Rose,” which is always occupied. The only times he hasn’t given her one was when one of them was in the hospital or out of town.

Its not often that I get patriotic but I’m delighted to live in a true democracy. Well done everyone, sometimes we get it right!

Tá bród orm as a bheith Éireannach! ‘Tis a proud day indeed, I’m so happy to know how compassionate and equality minded my fellow Irish people are =D <3

Saw this on twitter, “Map of the world shows all the countries that have had a national popular vote on equal marriage rights”

The current situation with five constituencies to go

My best friend passed away after a long battle with cancer at the age of 18. Given that she would have been my maid of honour, I laid my bouquet on her grave so she could be part of the day. I even brought my husband along to “introduce” them. I know it sounds maudlin, but it was important to me to have her involved

I’m not a fan of the bouquet toss. For my wedding I decided to do something for my mom instead.

Rory: You should walk down the aisle to Frank Sinatra holding a bouquet of something that smells really good.

I work with high school kids and when this came up in a debate, one of the very religious kids said, “THAT’S NOT TRUE, ABSTINENCE ALWAYS WORKS.”