
I have no idea what the Leprechaun defence is, but I am intrigued... Does that mean I should hand in my Irish passport?

Thank you kindly, I do really love tea :D

I am so so proud to be Irish today. It is so great to see how far as a country we have come, with homosexuality only being decriminalised in 1993. I was especially heartened to see the thousands of young people travelling back from all over the world to enact their vote. For those of you who wonder why it had to be

Well, we like to slag the English, but we don’t actually hate them. Also, most people I know love Stephen Fry!

I have actually read How to Build a Girl, and it was actually very good. It was refreshing to read as it was more realistic than many Young Adult books. I'd say that this advice is going down like a lead balloon with some people because it is very English, and it ties in with the experiences in the book. It is

That sounds like my worst nightmare. Going to a wedding in a couple of weeks where it most certainly will be alcohol filled, and the festivities will probably continue for a day or two after. But that's Irish weddings for you.

Oh God do I have a story. Second year of college, I moved into a four bedroom house with two guys and three other girls. There was a couple who shared a room, and I shared a room with another girl. The girl I was sharing with, I'll call her S, was the one I knew the best out of the group. She had a predilection for

Oh God, he's from my area in Ireland! He doesn't have a great reputation here either, if it helps.

In Ireland we call it a mineral. Yep.

Now playing

Can't stand that UHT milk, it's blasphemous to me, whole milk all the way or go home.

I heard that it was possibly an aneurysm, so if that's true, it's even more tragic.

I was born and bred in Ireland, and thankfully green beer is not a thing here! And I have no outlandish stories either, I get drunk, have a good time... St Paddy's day tends to be quite vomit and embarrassment free for me. Can't say the same for other times of the year though.

I can't stop listening to this, it's like a breath of fresh air after the Oscar performance.

I absolutely love that idea, and may steal it for next year. Not this year alas, as I am not going out, and my lazy costume is going to be a penguin onesie while I watch films and drink beer!

Ha, this reminded me of when I used to go out in my home town for Halloween, so many girls would just get the school uniform out of the press, cut it up and stick on stockings and heels along with it. It was like a slutty version of a school reunion, especially as there would be forty or so girls who went to my old

It is entirely possible to have the funeral devolve into drinking and dancing later on where I'm from, but then again I'm from Ireland.

Yep, and travelling to England or other European countries is very expensive, our country has a long way to go before it recognises the rights of our women.

For fecks sake, I thought we got past this thinking in the Twentieth century. The opposition against anyone getting education purely comes from a need of controlling people's thoughts and actions, and be being able to make them swallow their bullshit all the more easier without pesky open minds and rational thought

I was 18 going on 19, and it was about a year after I began drinking, so go figure. It was in his room while his parents were were out, and we got bored with watching TV, it being a Tuesday evening and TV being, well, shite. He was my very first boyfriend (I was a late bloomer), and we broke up shortly after, yet

That's great, in my house my mother even switched the TV over if people were French kissing. Yet she will watch the most horrible violence without blinking an eye, she loves horror films that make my stomach turn. Make what you will of that...