
I read the whole trilogy last summer, it's a good thing it only took me five hours! The writing is extremely poor, and the plot is just so awful. Definitely the worst thing I've ever read.

Having been on OK Cupid for about six months, honesty is the best policy... I have a short enough profile but it does contain enough of my weirdness to weed out the good ones from the bad ones. Even at that though, I'd say half of all the messages I get are from fellas just looking for one night stands, and haven't

My Dad does so much for all of us, especially since my mother suffers from depression and finds it hard to do anything really. He does most of the housework and cooking, and the work outside on the farm, and drives my sisters to their huge amount of after school activities with no complaint. I live a 3 hours drive

Oh once you want to fulfill the old ideal of the Catholic Mother birthing as many babies as much as you can, it's a great place... once you want to get rid of them it's a different story... And I'm speaking as a 23 year old who has had to witness their mother panic over a crisis pregnancy and no question of abortion

Love the Monty Python reference :D

People would say say that you should not speak ill of the dead, but Thatcher did cause great amounts of suffering to many people, which should not be whitewashed over at this time. I have a great amount of respect for the way Gerry Adams expressed his opinions; it was honest, yet reserved and not in any way

Grunge all the way, I was only four when Kurt Cobain died, but he had a a bigger impact on me than the Spice Girls did! Nevermind still one of my favourite albums, and I still wear flannel, Converse and Docs :D

I know that feeling all too well, my handwriting is very very boring :/

Love it!

Tis a strange place, attitudes are definitely changing, but there are a fair amount of people still stuck in the dark ages! I live in Galway now, which is a refreshing change from my home town, I can tell you that!

I think it's mainly about how she will look, considering I'm originally from a very rural area in Ireland. She sees my reputation as an extension of her own, and while she claims not to care what other people think, she very much does so. But I like to think I can learn from my parents mistakes and hopefully have a

I wish my mother was like you, and if I ever have children, I hope to be as understanding and supportive as you. I recently admitted to my very Catholic mother that I was no longer a virgin, and was told that if I had sex out of wedlock again she would probably disown me, as it would apparently damage my reputation.

I'm starting to go grey at the age of 22, but I dye my hair anyway, because I love experimenting with colours! My Mam and Dad both went grey very early, in fact my Dad's side of the family go completely white when they are old, which is spectacular to see.

This reminds me of secondary school, which was an all-girl one, where one particular female teacher would call us "lads". We used to like it, particularly since it was a bit of a change from being called "young ladies" and "girls". Never really though about it before reading this article, but we do need more words

No, I disagree, the Brontes write about such things, but frame it in such a way that shows that these types of relationships are destructive and not to be coveted. Whereas Meyer glorifies Edward and Bella's relationship and upholds it as something to aspire for.

Haha, my reaction exactly when I saw the name!

Here here, I'm glad that in Ireland the government is finally waking to the problem of allowing the Catholic Church run everything in the country. They have started to try and set up schools which are completely free from religion, in line with a lot of people's wishes. It will take a while, but the fact that this is

I agree, and it seems that things won't change any time soon, judging by the rhetoric in the hearings about abortion in Ireland. I despise the term "on demand" abortion; no woman makes her decision to have one lightly, and it sickens me that it's old middle aged men making the decision for us, as if we cannot be

Wow, I'm amazed by the level of vitriol directed towards those who don't get the flu shot! On this side of the Atlantic, they specifically only encourage you to get it if you are one of those in the risk category for dying from it, possibly because it saves the health service money. But to be honest, those that die