WHY. WHY are women seen as over-sensitive and "hysterical" and told to calm down about this shit.
WHY. WHY are women seen as over-sensitive and "hysterical" and told to calm down about this shit.
The tabloids cater to the lowest common denominator of sentient, reading, life on Earth.
I teach sixth grade. Last year, one of my funnier little dudes was talking to his friends before class about his love of chicken nuggets.
I think in this case naming them was important. First, because they came forward and wanted others to come forward, too (if anonymously). Second, as someone upthread said, coming forward and giving their names fights the stigma that survivors of sexual assault should be ashamed of it and keep quiet.
Uh.... I just dropped my POF account. This guy messaged me twice a few months ago. Sick. I am physically sick at this moment.
People joke about the Teen Mom thing, but I have younger twin sisters who watched it when they were 15 and it first aired and, let me tell you, they discretely sked me about contraception the SECOND everything clicked. I think it was by episode 3.
So Pro-lifers, I got something to say, why do you care so much about something that hasn't been born yet, but when a child is born (especially if they're born in a disadvantaged circumstance), you couldn't give a single shit. So much for being "pro-life" by killing doctors, harassing/stalking patients and bombing…
The Freud in me says those mother comments suggest she's probably projecting some feelings about either her own mother, or (more likely) guilt about how she's behaved as a mother.
I, for one, wholeheartedly support these folks in what they're doing. After all, this is the next step after they've already ensured that every child 'saved' from abortion has not only come full-term and been born, but has been given guaranteed health care, a stable home, a loving family, and the resources needed to…
Uber, are you just smashing all these fruits into your mouth? I'm sort of worried about how many of them are juicing up your face. Maybe, you know, slice or eat with a fork? I'm picturing you in a high chair, just slamming fist-fulls of juicy fruits into your gob.
Uber, I will keep my opinions about your rankings to myself, but I do think you need to amend this list to include the following caveat:
I know that doesn't need to be said, but I am saying it anyway. Robin Williams had a bravery few people will ever know. He used his own torment to bring humor and joy to millions. He fought his demons long enough to be there for his family and raise his beautiful baby daughter into a wonderful young woman. He…
Monica Gellar is this you? Please don't ask Ross to take you as his Plus 1.
I NEVER unfriend gems like this. I only defriend for bigotry-related stuff. I've gotten hours and hours of free entertainment from some of the dramatic and delusional randos from my high school class who've found me on FB over the years. It's my own low-effort version of reality TV, without the cable fees.
I remember one time when I was shopping, I went to get my eggs and plastered over the refrigerator door was a laminated sign with huge bold lettering explaining that in the coming weeks the design of the egg carton was going to change. Below the sign were two more laminated pages. One with an image of the current…
My Dad once tried to tell me that Santa would much prefer a beer, but I had a massive go at him for encouraging Santa to drink drive. I was six.
Karen - Should have whispered in his ear, "You shouldn't have done that. I just gave that cute bus boy a hand-job."