
If you're of a certain age, you should have a passing familiarity with this thing.


VW will never overtake GM and especially Toyota if they don't address the fundamental issue of reliability. I love their cars but reliability has been crap for decades and it hasn't improved nearly enough.

I owned 2 Berettas in my lifetime. One base model and one Z26 in panty-dropping purple. Both completely died at 110k miles... almost exactly the same mileage in fact.

Yay! Fewer cops!

Now playing

Seriously? Iowa is mostly flat farmlands and gently rolling hills. The roads there are generally built to a 70-75 MPH standard. It would be very unlikely that doing 84 MPH was in fact dangerous. If anything, the Governor just needs a bubble light, whenever he is escorted in his personal vehicle by officers

Wow. This is fucking bullshit. Raise the god damn speed limits already. I'm sick of being ticketed $175 for endangering NOBODY. The speed limit in the 60s was 65mph... today's car are FAR more capable, safe, and efficient. RAISE THE FUCKING LIMITS!

The suit costs more than the car

I'd have no shame in driving one of these. Costs probably around $200 to fill up with diesel, it's a full lane wide, it makes women and children scream, and it would go wherever the hell I wanted it to. Everyone would say "YER KILLIN THE ENVIRONMENT" or "YER SO SELFISH, WHY DO YOU NEED A HUMMER?" Because fuck you,