
Orlover, your first car wasn't built until years after I started driving and was better than anything I drove until 1996 when I bought a 6-yr-old Acura. I get your point and all, and the COTD is quality, but damn, dude. I'd drive a '92 Camry today.

Red Italian plastic. That should certainly remain exactly the same shade for years and years.

In other news, consumers increased purchases of rugs, duct tape, and chloroform in the second quarter.

Shouldn't these engines make a little more power? Advanced valve timing systems allowed Honda to put a bulletproof 100 hp/l engine in an econobox in 1992. I thought LFA technology was supposed to be trickling down the range.

Misread headline as "Tweels"

1st Gear: for context, I think the closest comparable jet to the Honda is at least $9mm. $4.5mm is about 50% more than Honda's original marketing material represented, IIRC, but it's still a breathtaking bargain in the private jet market.

2nd: With Ford's ownership structure the way it is, you'd have to convince the Board that failing to implement a governance change would make them personally liable for anything that went wrong. Shareholder initiatives aren't going to get it done.