1. With ice
1. With ice
1. Gatorade
It's appropriate that everyone associated refers to the league as "The Shield," especially now that they're all trying desperately to cover their asses.
I won't believe that the Ravens have released Rice until I see a Peter King report that they have promoted him to head coach and given him a 10-year extension.
I actually did it once. It was an 8 hour long flight and the kid kept kicking my seat. The mother was such an asshole that even when I requested her to ask her child to stop kicking me, she said "he's young" and looked quite indifferent. Of course the child threw a huge tantrum after being tripped, but I felt such…
This is oozing so much class. So very Missouri to let the white guy take multiple shots until he hits the target dead on.
"That's a Bryce Harper question bro"
If he wants to be a Cowboy for the rest of his life, he should just get in a car with Josh Brent
Police Academy
you and Barry need to get your stories straight.
If only MSNBC had some spherical divining orb-like object with which they could sift through this sort of riff raff.
It's no Jon Voight's LeBaron, but it'll do.
So what, like, eight travel calls and six double dribbles. Yeah, sweet basketball here. Oh but hey, their dances at the end were cool!
Am I the only person on the planet who finds Elisabeth Moss really, really unappealing? I don't like her voice, I don't like her face and I'm pretty sure she can't act, either. Maybe it's just me.
I think that is Dave..
Overreact much? Did he say anything false? Boeheim is known for telling the truth and douchefucks like you would rather hear the media-friendly quote than what he actually believes.
He didn't really blast him...all he said was that he didn't think his body was NBA ready and he could have benefited from another year in college. Which is a pretty spot on assessment. He did go on to say that Ennis would have a successful NBA career. Boeheim does not pull any punches, he tells it like it is. He…
Here's a Father's Day treat from the late, great Paul Hemphill. From The Good Old Boys, published in 1974.