The car has an equal amount of douchebaggery within. That accident doesn’t happen if car douche doesn’t feel like he’s going to lose and pull forward to block the truck he left enough space for. Douchebaggery for all!
The car has an equal amount of douchebaggery within. That accident doesn’t happen if car douche doesn’t feel like he’s going to lose and pull forward to block the truck he left enough space for. Douchebaggery for all!
a) You probably don’t ride. Believe me, there are plenty of places that are unsafe for a car to pass where it’s no problem for a bike (either due to the bike being able to do the pass or simply because of things like better sightlines due to lane positioning etc). So it comes down to The Law vs. common sense, being…
The phrase “testicular fortitude” existed far before the WWE started using it. Simmons may be a wrestling fan but that is not a new phrase and I’m sure he was aware of it long before the WWE began using it. I wish deadspin had writers that were aware of events that occurred before the late 90’s.
He killed it in Bernie, imo.
I’d feel bad for Noah, because Jones seems committed to kicking his ass. However, he can easily hide from Cardale by taking refuge in one of Ohio State’s many academic buildings.
How about we worry about actual domestic violence... as opposed to videos that don’t depict domestic violence but which you could twist in order to get offended? That sound good?
This doesn’t really matter much in the long run, and it sure doesn’t exonerate Thomas, but he is technically correct that he was not held liable personally for any damages. There was a mistrial on that claim.
One of my favorite Mexican beers is Modelo Especial, that’s a really solid pilsner.
For all their inhumane and despicable actions, the NFL’s tribute to Mark Kelso was a nice touch.
“While a fully functioning sex robot is likely light years away...” Light years measure distance, not time! So it’s just regular years away. Sheesh.
kimbrel is the best relief pitcher in baseball. you don’t trade the best anything for one decent prospect, one minor league nobody, a supplemental round pick and two washed-up dudes making $17m a year between them
I'm so sorry. Its not your fault. Its not your fault. Its not your fault.
Not to be defending someone who may have just claimed Lyme disease is not real. However there is a bit of a kurfluffle over “Chronic Lyme” a variant people have claimed to be afflicted with even though tests for the bacteria show negative.
The triangle offense is a tough fit for today's game. The Knicks should bring in someone to help adapt the offense, perhaps a hall of fame point guard who won some rings in the late 80s/early 90s...
So this piece of shit movie is a rip off of Rob Schneider's Big Stan?? Why is no one calling this out. The plot is identical except Big Stan learns karate instead.
"In the meantime, there are going to be a lot of thuds."
You know what? Don't swat the ball away and take any chances and it wouldn't matter.
Fuckin nerds, loved crushing your dreams with a well placed toss to the face