@a2507434: I'll get the spark notes later.
@a2507434: I'll get the spark notes later.
Easy, just schdule half the regular season games.
I bet these people had some strange wedding vows.
Panzer Fortwo
When are we going to see a 3d giz? I can't wait to see bill can't fart's cat pictures in 3d.
@violent peas: Someones going to pay for those two cameras one way or another.
@TangoTL: "I really wish 'the internet' was optimized for an iPad." There, fixed it.
@yantelope: Some folks are just really into role playing.
Of all countries I would've thought Russia would be the one without a leash law.
@Batmanuel: I was going to say the same thing about price.
@comics0026: This is not about class rooms or teaching styles, it's a testing facility. We have them at my school.
@HideyoshiJP: *Visual approximation
Minnesota and Wisconsin are definitely not the same. If we want real fireworks, the kind that explode or shoot in the air, we have to make the trip into badger territory.
@NorwoodIsMyHero: One of the best parts from my favorite movie. Have a heart, you hard-nosed Polack son of a bitch.
@valkilmerisawful: Seems to me like every one of these centurions doesn't exercise much, drives very little and has an unhealthy but consistent diet.
@valkilmerisawful: Best to laugh. I hear it's the key to long life.
@durian: Goes to show it's a case by case thing.
@valkilmerisawful: That's awesome! Yeah, I saw on her wiki article that she picked up fencing at 85 and from a newspaper article that she was forced to give up her bicycle at 110, glass of port with every meal around 120 and her daily 2 cigarettes sometime later.
@uRbAn:Xocolatl!: Betty White is a doll but I hope to age like Clint Eastwood.
@valkilmerisawful: This is true but most everyone in small town France during her time had to ride a bicycle.