Too bad M. Calment smoked from age 20 to 117 (97 years) and never exercised.
Too bad M. Calment smoked from age 20 to 117 (97 years) and never exercised.
@KTope: The auto mile! I've heard about a million advertisments for that road. I go to Iowa State in lames.
@KTope: You from Dez Moins?
@KTope: Not that I disagree with you (I live in Iowa) but they're compensating employees because the federal government doesn't recognize homosexual marriage and won't give them the same tax breaks on healthcare that a heterosexual marriage would have.
@nootron: I hope they paid well.
@cormack: "Under federal law, employer-provided health benefits for domestic partners are counted as taxable income, if the partner is not considered a dependent."
@rashad123us: I don't know he might have something with "the begging of the end of Apple."
Whoa, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't 2Kx4K the same resolution digital film is shot in?
@LegacyCrono: Mark me down for an extra-medium.
P... P... People in glass houses s... sink ships.
@kylecpcs: Remember, "your tone when delivering this information is important."
I was about to make a sly comment about the inclusion of the iPad in a phone comparison...
@R.b.3: Double post
@R.b.3: What did you use to jailbreak 3.1.3?
GAHHAHA! After almost 10 hours I got it to work!
@pvcrisp: Repel bugs with magic!
@Curves: There's some over there.
@Alexander Henry Samuel Perkins: Could've stolen your dog?