I counted three silverados, one f150, and one Sierra.
I counted three silverados, one f150, and one Sierra.
Ah, I see. It's sad that I assumed from the video's title that it would be related to the Chappelle's Show Prince parody.
Please please please elaborate.
Can I ask, what tradition was forsaken with the Xs or the XMs?
You know what? Aside from the odd sticking on the seats, I really like the new interior. Especially that steering wheel. E39, anyone?
Not a C2, but my dad and I finished our second C1 restomod, a yellow '57 with an LS7 and art Morrison chassis, this summer. First one was a red '60 with an LS2 and similar chassis setup. In my opinion, the '60 is sounds, looks, and rides better. Pic related.
Yawn. 2/10 Troll harder.
I don't care that the contest is over, #COTD
Doesn't that mean they'll be unable to control the distribution and manufacture of narcotics as well?
That looks more like Z4 to me.
At least then we would have something to show for it.
Sadly correct.
Or the emissions requirement part.
I think everyone should drive between the posted minimum and maximum speeds that are applicable for the conditions, time of day, and vehicle being driven.
Hey! I used to kill terrorists at the UNLV library in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Las Vegas! Small world.
I said, THE BIG 12 IS GOING TO BE A SUPER-CONFERENCE THIS YEAR. *notices your username* Well this is awkward...
Kind of like...