I wish I could have seen my FFL opponent when Jordan Reed - his last active player - was ejected, allowing me to win by .39 points.
It’s the Cuban Whistle Crisis.
“Six minutes? Are you sure this is Gregg Popovich?
I am less stunned by Trump’s victory than I am by baby back ribs’ takedown of enchiladas.
“Nothing less than the planet is at stake.”
If you threw Stan Van Gundy under a bus, that would cause one hell of a bump.
For those keeping score -
When non-whites vote in a bloc for Democrats, it’s called support or solidarity. When whites vote in a bloc for a Republican, it’s called racism.
The arrogance of the left never ceases to amaze. That you would deign to appoint yourself Commenter Confessor and issue an apology is the height of hubris - and delusion. This election was not as much about making America great again as it was about making America normal again. And, in fact, it appears that many…
“Things have not been this bad in a very long time.”
Jezebel: Where gender studies majors go so that no one will laugh at their “degrees.”
No. You and your effete, liberal ilk are simply shitheads who fail to grasp that your views of government simply are not the norm.
A Gawker bankruptcy AND a Trump presidency in the same year? Sweet, fucking yes!!
Dan in San Diego is right.
Twenty-five years ago, Ramsower was a disarmingly nerdy MIS professor.
Your toilet, in six minutes.
Briles “was supportive of the victim.”
Translation: I really don’t want to speak pterodactyl for the rest of my life.