“[A]nd Rose is expected to attend for the first time.”
“[A]nd Rose is expected to attend for the first time.”
Seems about right. This is the same man who thinks that spreading out a $915mm tax loss or having four businesses go into bankruptcy is an intelligent use of federal law, when it is simply proves that he is a shitty businessman.
In the last 15 years, the IRS has taken the position that confidentiality provisions in settlement agreements must be accompanied by separate consideration for such provisions. Some parties simply agree to allocate a portion of the agreed settlement sum to the confidentiality provision. Others require/pay a separate…
The industry-wide problem is hand-wringing white guilt.
Since he doesn’t know the meaning of consent, Derrick’s post-retirement career path is clear: Fundamentalist Mormon Sect Leader.
Rose, of course, was disappointed to learn that he couldn't hire a stand-in for his deposition.
Cool. I haven't been in a trace-like state since I had to design an album cover in my high school art class.
Couldn’t you have simply said, “Jay Hathaway?” Hell, Jordan, you're now an ex-Gawker writer.
100% of Jezebel staff.
Rocky Flop
Would you expect anything other than insane statements from Rob Ryan, M.D.?
Agreed. You don’t have to RSVP for every argument you’re invited to.
The neighbors should call Animal Control. Surely there is a law against keeping a Panther in the neighborhood.
Go to Australia. It's winter.
Is it true that Roger Goodell’s family history can be traced all the way back to 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts?
Is James Harrison sitting on his helmet or his kids’ participation trophies?
When Channel 7 starts paying the same rights fees as NBC, you can bitch about it matey. Until then, throw another shrimp on the barby ... and pray that a Huntsman spider isn’t nearby.
In other words, she checks his man purse.
This would require foresight. Penn State, of course, is repeating introductory, pre-remedial, special ed. hindsight for the seventh time. They think foresight is the last name of the actor on Dynasty.
Because it’s Penn State.