
It's not a stereotype, these are actual quotations from actual Republicans. Try, try again.

Yes, exactly this! More and more of us can't find clothes in our size at the mall, and what little there is, is generic crap. If you want to dress creatively, you have to go online, there's no choice. Plus the market has self-selected, so it's ever more cheap stuff for teenagers and Tweens.

Me too! For years I've thought It was just me. And ditto for the post-40 change; after I had my baby days 2 and 3 have become a nightmare. I always think of that scene from The Shining when the elevator doors open and all the blood comes gushing out...glad I'm not alone at least.

That might be the one reason I'd see the film. After all, the loveliest of them all were the unicorns....

Yeah, that's the part that really got me doubting things when I was younger. Lot seems totally focused on sexualizing his daughters to where he offers strangers to rape them, but oh, look, they'd prefer to have sex with him. Sure. And his wife, who might have stopped this incest, just happens to be conveniently

Wait, leave Red Dwarf out of this! They were definitely talking about men's smeg (sorry to be that gal fixating on the throwaway reference, but I loved that show. Just started watching it again on Amazon). Men's smeg is a hygiene/washing issue which is totally fair to complain about.

Damn I wish I had seen this sooner - If I'd known this is all it would take to get a gay baby, I would've made it a point to smoke a pack or two whilst pregnant with baby invalid. Because science.

I do this also but usually they end up sliding their legs over just barely enough that we are still touching. So then I'm sitting there and can feel this bastard pressed up super-close against me, hip to knee. It gives me this uncomfortable feeling, which I'm pretty sure they do on purpose.

Hey there! It looks like it went through yesterday and they are promising delivery today (I'm not sure why an emailed card wouldn't just be delivered immediately? Right? Sorry about that). So you should have it by tomorrow I think. Happy New Year!

Oh wow. I really feel for you and I'm sorry you've had such shite luck! I just emailed you a Target gift card, I know it can't solve everything but hopefully it will help a little, and remind you that we are thinking of you and wishing you the best! Hang in there my friend.....

Hey, it sounds like you're having a rough time. I don't usually post (I hate being stuck in the grey), but I'd also like to help with a gift card. How can I get it to you?

So I'm guessing this means that down pillows and comforters are also problematic? I'm glad to learn it, I just wish it was easier to get down alternatives. Poor geese.

I see Russell Crowe.

No. Nonono. If someone is ignorant of the facts then they should not be seeking to educate others. These women want help and factual information, not bullshit spouted by someone who wishes they were telling the truth. Good intentions and having "your heart in the right place" (which may or may not be true, I have my

Take a deep breath and try reading the article again. We'll wait for you to catch up.

I took the bait and read both articles; neither one disconfirms stereotype threat despite the sensationalist titles. The first one points out that people in marginalized groups will choose self-presentation strategies to minimize the impact of stereotypes. But this doesn't mean that the performance of these same

Thanks so much for the feedback! I knew I could count on Jezzies to give me some thoughtful commentary. Looks like I'm not the only one in this boat (I just wish I could figure out how to un-grey your comments?!?). We have several months to go before the baby comes, at least I don't have to decide right now. Nothing

Anyone up for giving me some advice on my baby's family name? I used to be sure that we should hyphenate our kids names (his last name and mine), but now I'm wondering whether we should just use his name. I've kept my maiden name, and our names together sound fine although not amazing. My hubs and his family want the

Cool thank you! I've been looking for something like this too.