I hear you. I got laid off a few years back when the company I was working for decided to trim headcount in preparation for selling out.
If you think gassing up at the mini mart and charging overnight in your garage are equivalent use cases, I can’t explain it to you in a way you will understand.
For the purposes of business activities such as selling cars, the EU is considered “Europe”, as the EU is often times referred to as Europe. But if you need a win, how about this? I apologize for using EUROPE when I meant EUROPEAN UNION.
>>With an electric car you can’t drive off with it plugged in. The computer won’t let you.<<
Traffic is caused by intercetions, people blocking intercetions, and reaction times. The solution is electric, self-driving cars.
He did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
He did stay at a Holiday Inn Express the night before.
He did stay at a Holiday Inn Express the night before.
I really don’t see a problem. With an electric car you can’t drive off with it plugged in. The computer won’t let you.
Beneath the block would be the ground, which is probably covered in oil.
This would be a great start to a race series. They are junk, so let’s have so good, old-fashioned, fender-bending touring car racing series.
porch on fire.
Are you saying they should switch the sides of the charge port for the US market?
Imagine the confusion for our friends in England seeing someone keeping their coffee in the boot.
Mazda is a Japanese company, so that is the drivers side for them.
Do you live in a rural area? The Costcos near me are always packed.
I’m impressed how level that f350 is riding with all those passengers and ‘hunting’ gear.