No, it’s great for long, straight stretches, or stop-and-go traffic.
Check out this little beauty:
When we took our Tesla on a trip to Prescott AZ from Orange County, CA I let the car drive. It was great to be able to talk to my bride and enjoy the scenery going by. I look forward to our next trip to Yakima, WA and seeing all the sights. Why in the world would I trade that for watching something fake? I want see…
I-405 never leaves Taxifornia.
Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii?
Can I get one for my Midnight Silver Metallic Tesla Model 3? It’s a little plain, and neon splitter guards would really pop.
I pray he is found OK.
Since there seems to be a lot of flyers here. I refuse to fly unless I have to cross an ocean. The last time I flew (LAX to Yakima, WA and back) I had to go through the Security Theater fondling 4 times because of my hip replacement(yes, I let them know, but they fondled me anyway). Is there any way to reliably avoid…
Pretty sure the M1 was a Lambo.
BTW, it was Butch that Keyed his car.
Maybe Ford should follow Porsche’s lead and charge and additional 100k for the listed options.
How about this bad boy. 4 tracks! The 2 outer ones were removable for transport.