
My Model 3 has been fantastic. Best car ever.  Makes other cars feel like they are from the 18th century.  Is it perfect? No. If the trunk has a lot of water on it a little water gets in the trunk when I open it. Once it’s paid off the plan is to replace my brides’ Infiniti with a Model Y.

Humans are built to run distances. They can run distances faster than almost any other creature. A human can run a marathon faster than a horse.

Me too. Between 2 Ford Focus Electrics and the Model 3 and the solar panels we’ve avoided paying ~$40,000 in taxes over the past 6 years.  I don’t have a problem with the tax rebate for cars made in the USA.  But for imports, no.

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May enjoys Clarksons’ company. The magic of TG UK is the friendship of 3 very different people.

I have found there are 2 use cases where the Model 3 Autopilot really shine.

Indeed. A constant-mesh 1 speed transmission is even better for longevity and simplicity.

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I’ll take the Glenn Highway than dealing with the nightmare that is the 405 Every. Single. Day. Both ways. Unless there is an accident, which makes it much, much worse.

What frozen hell is that?

I used to commute about 2.5 hours a day. Now I work from home, and my bride and I can take a walk in the morning and the afternoon. We also have lunch together.

I was comparing STEM to Liberal Arts.

Good for you.

Not the ones I purchase.

I understand, there are no guarantees. My degree is in Business Administration, and I fell bass-akwards into SQL database architect. After getting laid off I said ‘screw it’ and started my own software firm with a couple of partners.

It depends on the degree. STEM pays pretty good. Liberal Arts, often end up writing peoples’ names on a plastic cup.

I was overly broad with my first statement.

The payments for our solar panels is about what we paid for electricity before we got our first electric car, so the marginal cost of electricity for our Model 3 is zero. They will be paid off in 9 years, so our savings will really increase then.

Not necessarily. We saved up so that we could put ~$24.000 down on our Model 3. We got a 5 year loan at 2.99%. Our payments are ~$600 a month. Since we don’t pay for fuel, and our electricity is free, that makes our net payment is ~$350 a month compared to a similar car.

This pleases Cthulhu.  I shall grant you a boon, slave.  You may retain your diaphanous grip on sanity, for now.

1. That does not appear to be a car engine.