More like Never Alive!!!! Sorry, my head seems to be missing today.
More like Never Alive!!!! Sorry, my head seems to be missing today.
Oh nice, another FB game I can not play.
It was....weird.
I was wondering the same thing, seems a little tasteless.
I was going to say the same thing about your comment...
Yes, because making our kids more obese is certainly going to improve everything.
...which wasn't mentioned at all in his speech. Nice try.
So which is worse, spending the money updating an antiquated system (one of MANY in this country) now or twiddle our thumbs and hope it gets better and address it in 20 years when it's too late. EVERYTHING that needs fixed in this country is going to take time and money, but the longer we wait the more time and more…
I think they're probably more referring to the non-removable batteries they've started putting into their laptops, but it's not like Apple is the only one doing this.
I didn't until my GF not-so-subtly suggested I was hording. I currently have the 3 boxes from my iPhones and the box from my new i7 MBP.
What the hell do you think this is, a chicken coop?
Oh you kids...
This is why I will never read Kotaku Core.
Can I....get this?
That was my feeling, I got to the final fetch quest and just didn't care enough to continue. I did enjoy what I played, it just didn't stand out enough on its own to be remarkable.
And for all his badassery, there will still be a multi-level fetch quest at the end.
Think it's more of a fascination of where he came from and that he even exists. He's a total statistical anomaly, and she interprets the world through hard numbers.
Wait, do we know B-Broyles is a shapeshifter? That's the assumption, but I'm thinking he's human and, for whatever reason (the loss of his son in this universe?) has switched sides.
Normal, I enjoy the challenge but don't like getting stuck on something that's just above my ability to get through. Second time around I'll usually play on hard, but the first time around is always normal.
Say what you want, the 80s deserve respect.