What, you can't sustain a company on no real products, lying to investors and screwing your employees? Who would have thought?
What, you can't sustain a company on no real products, lying to investors and screwing your employees? Who would have thought?
But at the same time gamers are highly schizophrenic in this sense, we always want new IPs yet will buy RE:4 6 times on different versions. That doesn't give devs much incentive to do anything worthwhile with ports.
I don't think it's a "build one get one free" situation.
* Like EVERYONE does. You think they stay up all night the day before release getting everything ready?
I stopped playing the first for a similar reason, whenever my character would hit level 15 it would corrupt the save file and I couldn't access it. Shame, the game was fun, but I'm not investing time in buggy software.
Are you seriously telling me that Pikmin 3 isn't a launch title?
I doubt either of those is true. Both PSN and XBL offer video services and Amazon video even has an App on the PSN (and you can get Netflix on all three). I highly doubt that the revenue loss from video sales would come close to the gain from hardware sales+bump in software sales.
Already happened...
Oh yeah, the wii got moved up to my bedroom, but in retrospect I should have given the ex the Wii and held onto my NGC.
Totally, I was super disappointed that 3 didn't make it to the Wii, I guess $300 for one game isn't the stupidest purchase I ever made...
I put pigeons at about the same level as rats/cockroaches, so my sympathy level is fairly low here.
Sorry, "coming" and "will be announced" are two different things.
Don't be evil? Times have changed...
Not that I disagree with you, but look when the interview actually took place "Four months ago, in March"
Is it really a liberal ideology to respect other people? Also, your "Oh but I know black people" anecdote is especially revealing.
Amazingly she seems to have a better grasp on language than you do.
Sure, visually, but I don't think that's what we're talking about.
Please show me in the article where it said he "needed" documentation. The employees asked him about the device, they did not demand to see any documentation. Mann had documents on him to explain what he was wearing because of his earlier visits to museums where, again, it does not say the documents were required. …