
Why should they still offer free games to those who were unlikely effected by the outage?

I'm not sure if you're referring to the same type of dry spell that I' thinking of....


Seems necessary at best.

Ho boy... a lot. Ultimate frisbee game tomorrow AM and Sun afternoon, have to finish up Portal, sink some more time into Half Life, maybe try out TF:2 (guess who's house mate just busted out there 360?). Definitely some infamous in the eviler route, and some uncharted 2 if I'm not dead by the end of it all.

So what? They're not hired to know about the games any more than 99% of the men attending the shows care about their intelligence. It's quite probable that they're knowledgeable in a subject you know nothing about.

@geekranger360: Yeah, it's like most people who interact with the internet these days, they see something, don't read a sentence (or even 10 words) of what's under the video, get wildly excited, then realize that it's not real. And complain about it.

You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!

@Natey: Well a fetish is more that just liking sex with "beautiful" (whatever the hell that means) people.

I think you just did....

Try pool, it's a lot more fun. certainly have all the bases covered, way to go.

And not everyone who drives away from a bar is drunk driving, go figure.

No one has said he was drunk or drinking while driving, maybe you should calm down and read the article.


They filmed 9 episodes before he died, I don't think they're going to air any of them anytime soon.