
1. It's not illegal to buy a game if you are underage

I actually tend to go the other way these days; I used to get super excited for games and then there's the inevitable delay, not meeting expectations, cancellations, etc., and I started feeling like you., These days I have a couple games I want to keep an eye on, but hold off on any excitement/expectations until I

This has been discussed; the console isn't coming out for another year and all tech specs likely weren't in place yet to give devs.

Yeah, eating is a real distraction from making money, someone should fix that. Also not like we have a 10% unemployment rate in the country, those are the ones that should really be raking in the cash.

Yeah, it's really stupid to try and be more conscientious about the energy you're using and the waste you're producing. I bet you hate to turn off the faucet when you're not using it and leave all the lights on in your house when you're not there. Way to stick it to the man.

You realize they're not mutually exclusive, right? Actually, you probably don't, which is sad.

PS3, Wii, TV, DVD/VCR and PS2 are all plugged into the same power strip that is only on when the entertainment systems are being used, other than that the strip is turned off, which saves me ~16 hours a day of vampire electronics usage. It's not hard, just flip it off before you go to bed.

What part of the word "accused" are you not understanding?

I'd say that's a cocky way to go, but that's just me.

So a full game based on misogyny, jokes about rape and abortion, and generally tastelessness are just "misunderstood" while a 6 year killing someone is suddenly the end of the moral world? Stay classy commentators.

I prefer the chalkboard paint in my kitchen, but this isn't too shabby either.

Why are more books necessary to expand the universe? God know more movies didn't help Star Wars.

Just wait until you get to the challenge rooms.

Stop commenting off the cuff, it's his brother and he's showing real concern.

"Proper" fighting? Like ripping someones spine out? 15 button combo moves? For me, fun is proper, so it's one of the most proper fighting games I've played.

It's dangerous to go alone; gotta take 'em all.

Ummm, half the "movies" on this list shouldn't even be mentioned in polite company.

I don't know, 0.00042% of cost on shipping? Better than most video games you order online.

Why does anyone want to do anything? Because they can.

Ahh, misread that as "But why is Nintendo planning to release the console with single Wii U Controller," missed the rather crucial "support."