
@fbh: Well, people do enjoy bitching about a lot of things, especially games, but I usually just play the games I like, who cares what other people think about it? Enjoy your choices, and others will enjoy theirs.

@Zom-B: Well, a lot of it is jut the types of games I play I'm not really into sports or racing games, and I would like to give Dead Space a try at some point, but the company as a whole leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Just like choosing to not buy a certain console will prevent you from playing some good games,

@TheOmbudsman: Again, I don't think bitching on a forum should effect your access to a single player game. Sure, ban him from the forums, it's a dick move but completely in their right, but not allowing him to play a game be bought in good faith is beyond ricockulous.

@AgumonKid: "Freedom of speech" isn't really free, especially if you're on a forum owned by a company. I'm not saying this isn't beyond ludicrous, but it certainly isn't illegal. (I'm talking about the forum ban, not his ability to play the game).

Also, I'm glad I never have (and never will) own a game EA is connected to.

"Devil" ≠profanity, I don't even think religious people would consider that swearing.

What do you do?

Clearly Naughty Dog had the same problems with Uncharted/2. God those games were terrible....Damn PS3.

@THE_MOOGLEKING: Yeah, because that's the important thing to be worried about. Jackass.

I love rain, but Seattle just drizzles.....all the time. Give me some thundershowers and hard rain it the spring, that's cool, but not just wettness all year long.

(shrugs) I lived for 4 years in Seattle, so I'm I'm not just talking out of my ass when speaking of the strengths and weaknesses of a city. Seattle's great, no doubt, but people there are really sure that they're the best thing that's ever happened in the US and pretty cold/rude to boot.

I understand what he was trying to say, it came out poorly.

What do you think a parking garage is?

That's how we roll on the East Coast...also, a lot less pretentiousness than Seattle!


Kotaku plays dueling articles:

There is no joy in Mudville .

Yeah, it sucks when doing something that will benefit everyone is tough. Good thing you're making a stand.

Now playing

All my people from the front to back. If you want it like that just.. MOVE!