
@Mr.Wake: That's what I was thinking.

There will be two hits, me hitting you, and you hitting the floor.

Just got Little King's Story in the mail, so I'll sink some time into that, then the standard Uncharted 2 multiplayer, maybe some Epic Mickey. Ultimate Frisbee on Sun to get some other gaming in.

@Acehalo-2: Seriously? I bet you don't like only one mouse button either.

@Koztah: From what I've heard it's better to use a mini-vacuum to suck out the dust from the PS3; using compressed air will just blow it further into the system.

@samsnewbox: Yeah, I have less than that, I don't need to friend people I don't know.

Bring your own shells.

@eknaap: Pretty much the only one you'll ever need.

Oh man, gots to get me a GF that likes chess....

Start a game of Tic Tac Toe on the mirror when you take a shower, let your SO make the next move.

@dickfreckle: That's alright, those who are still around are making 10% article related comments, 90% article related but god things suck around here comments..

@Vecha: Kotaku Friends work like the Stock Market: It's annoying, but you can burn a CD of the music, then re-import as MP#s and you'll be fine. As far as the Xbox and ACC I don't know, but I would find it pretty funny if it played Apple DRMed media. I still buy CDs and rip, so I'm not sure how it works these days

@zelfmoordkonijn: "For Entertainment Purposes Only"? You're right of course, but I have a problem with cameras anyway, privacy, liberal, blaha blah blah. Still, could be fun and you could cross promote it as an exercise app!

@icepick314: Could be represented by the headlights of the respective vehicles, but I think it gets the message across without them.

What is a cross between Christine and Pac-Man?

@lordd.gee: It's the TAY pic of the moth.