
Not to shabby considering what he went through at the end of the last game.

What would be cool is if they overlayed security camera locations on Google maps or something and you got points for avoiding them.

I usually do CS calls from the gmail calling feature. I get terrible cell service in my apartment, so I can sit on the couch with my computer instead of hunched next to the window and don't have to burn minutes waiting on hold.

@Kevster: I usually just buy the one, I did get annoyed at the store the other day when you actually had to buy all three for the reduced price.

It's called an "Illusion;" a Trick is something a whore does for money.

Well that was...disturbing.

"The Munich police approached the Helghast cosplayer, trying to figure out what the heck was going on."

@Zian_Yano: Well I'm certainly about to.

Just another example of common sense meeting reality.

@keep it real: Hahaha, I was thinking the same thing. Apparently me and my friends weren't stealing cigarettes in HS, we were just really big fans of Phillip Morris.


I am a little surprised that MS hasn't ventured into the handheld space yet, but could be interesting.

Excuse me? There's nothing here to prevent you from using your device. You get an error telling you you can't read the book until you restore. how does that interfere with the usage of the phone or text app? Does it kill your phone until you update? I don't think so. And are you saying that there's only one use

@DayneOram: What, that you can't back up their DRM free music?

I fail to see the problem, new video games will often check if the consoles firmware is up to date and won't play without an update or some type of security check. How is this different?

@bakagaijin: Right after he posts the PS3 code....Damn, Sony's not fucking around these days.

A Monte Cristo isn't that epic, though good. I mean, you can pick them up at Disneyland. That, on the other hand, does not look healthy...

I think in a perfect world, yes, but this will never, ever happen.