WoW, it's Adam shame more games don't incorporate fan service like this.
WoW, it's Adam shame more games don't incorporate fan service like this.
It was definitely an interesting group out there, and damn cold. I missed getting into the whole hearing by about 40 people, but did manage to sit in on 10 minutes of the oral.
@vidhagans: One of mine was going through a thing for awhile where he'd go in the kitchen and yowl because he wanted me to come and play. fine...except it was at 4AM. He did it for probably 4 or 5 days, super annoying. Thank god he's cute.
@xsbs: I graduated 8 years ago with 3.8 before I really got into video games, thanks.
@Fernando Jorge: I'm not sure I know what "Dampy" is.
@DukeOfPwn: I've had that feeling in classes, 58% in Symbolic Logic; luckily, it was graded on a curve, so I ended up with a C-. Good luck, you may want to chat with the prof and see if you can do an extra lab or something to boost your grade.
@Instant_Awesome: well said.
You guys keep mentioning that people are paid to be in Nintendo ads. Shocking!
@nickux: Indeed.
I see a lot of people on here defending texting and playing games in class because they pay for the education, the prof is their employee, etc., etc... Maybe it's because I went through college before cell phones were really widespread in that age group, but I cant really agree with that assessment. True, your (or…
@hjustin93: But your new one will.
@PunkRockMachine: I'm not sure, s bland a movie as Avatar was it sure looked nice. I feel like if the director understands it and the limitations they can make it look god, but I do agree that 3D isn't any kind of incentive for me to see a movie.
There's a snake in my boot.
@zophiel: I fail to see any mention of her political views mentioned in the article. Paranoid much?
I just don't see the point of cheating in online stuff. You know your achievement isn't real.
@pnikkosis: The population growth of the world is already wildly out of control - 217,212 born per day, netting in a ~400 million person increase in the last 5 years.
@Kyosuke_Nanbu: Good job...Wal-Mart? That doesn't sound right.
@Veit: He should have just stayed home and played some music.