
Any one else do the friend/orphan thing for Thanksgiving? My family lives in Alaska, so I haven't been up for turkey day since I started college, so around 10 years ago (I live in DC now). I usually go to some friends or just make myself a nice dinner, but have never really viewed it as a holiday where I "had" to do

@Michael Dukakis: I'd probably revert to Lima Casserole and some Chile...nice for the cold weather.

I'm sorry, the cat distracted were saying?

@Preyfar: Ahhh, thanks, didn't know that. Well, next time she should lock herself in a bathroom in the US :-)

Holy shit, the Metro needs to be redesigned like a roller coaster. Also, throwing on your techno/electronic/house track of choice and watching this isn't a bad choice.

I'm no fan of the TSA and think the new scanners/groping are pretty appalling, but you guys have posted 20+ articles on this, one of them basically saying the others are pointless and shouldn't have been written. It's just getting....weird.

@Alfisted: Man, Giz commentators are on fire with this one.

@xhedgehogx: At 70, I'm pretty sure her privacy/modesty and sense of appropriateness are different than ours.

@Wadetalon: Double star for you. Not even sure I can still watch these, he may have retroactively ruined all of his movies.

@tfskora: Does it actually cover this scenario? Would be awesome if it did.

@johnny22: I wish I could star you for this; an approval and promotion will have to do.

At least she had a steady water supply, though I may have overflowed the tub; would have gotten a much quicker response. Also, I'm pretty surprised she managed to last that long on water alone. I know people can go longer without food than water, but at 70, making it that long is pretty impressive.

I don't see that he's incorrect here, Hollywood has been churning out repetitive, mindless entertainment for a while now, and most of it is geared towards a generation that grew up in front of a TV with no attention span or need for a decent plot or acting. Don't get me wrong, there are some great movies that have

5 looks pretty damn good.

@shannon.turlington: Not really, the first time I went through I had a belt (which had to later be taken off, but they didn't mention it when I went through initially)

I can't think of one room in my house I'd want one of these on.

What an unfortunate last name.

@The Artgineer: Uhhh, really? All the hijackers on 9/11 used box cutters, or did you somehow not know that?

@dsprehe89: My 42" plasma is going on 3.5 years, 1080i and I purchased for $999. Still looks great.

@FriarNurgle: Watching some season 2 right now.