Afterwards, did you sit around the mein kampfire?
Afterwards, did you sit around the mein kampfire?
"Wisconsin is really cool, for an upper Midwestern state that Prince isn't from"
On a recent trip to Zihuatanejo, he was quite friendly with the wait staff and admired their work ethic. So much so that he would kindly ask Ms. Bailey to get her cunt off his lawn so those wetbacks cam finish mowing.
Fuel to the firing? Kopi Luwak?
Clearly Stephen A. Smith has put himself in a situation where he could get shit-canned.
Oh, these are all the fucking rage in Minneapolis and St. Paul. We call them "Pedal Pubs". The best part is that the "pedalers" aren't actually driving the damn thing, therefore it's legal to drink on them.
With PED's under control, cycling has clearly shifted it's focus to preemptive strikes on in-race profanity.
Have you checked out the "Summit on a Stick" in the International Bazaar or the Craft Brewery samplers in the Ag building? Both very solid beer choices.
Also for clarification, Garvin Heights is in Winona, not Red Wing.
Just another instance of the old guard not understanding today's Latino ballplayer. Billy Beane would have at least sent Montero a Choco Taco.
Getting the property, getting the land, getting a good deal from the city to make concessions to change the name.
All Date-Krumm can say is her game is pretty plain.
I'm all for a Christian Ponder-Carl Buddig swap.
Perhaps Carson Coffman is a viable option, although he likely has a lucrative offer from the Altoona Hy-Vee.