Rubio (For Her Pleasure)

We're not entirely sure why Penn State and Central Florida decided to play a game in Ireland

Didn't Swansea lose to Minnesota United FC of the NASL over the summer?

This is total bullshit. It's obvious that the payday loan industry is more like the a-hole on the Price is Right who asks what the highest bid is, and then proceeds to bid one dollar higher.

We have met many native Americans from Minnesota who agree with our position and feel we are using the term correctly and honorably

Meh. Just another player Minnesota signed away from the Packers.

Tony Dungy was a total John Chaney.

So the Timberwolves will take him at 13?

If it was a free kick for Shaqiri, he would have clanked it off the front of the crossbar.

If this was real, could it have spelled the demise of 'Murica's obsession with Bacon?

Light Brown (or Tan) at #7???

/reads names of the suspects

Has there ever been a name that screams "Law and Order: SVU Suspect" more than "Fields Chapman"? I can already picture Ice-T pinning him against the wall of the interrogation room and saying something like "where you're'd better barracade your back door."

So when BiBi Jones throws some bacon and cheese between her tits, is it called "double downing"?

The technical foul was ill-timed, considering Vujosevic had just realized he had missed the 4:30 autogyro. Now his letter will never get to the consulate in Siam.

Somewhere Latrell Sprewell is sighing in exasperation. Mostly because his 1995 Nissan Sentra just got repo'd.

If hurricanes are named after Cannibal Corpse songs, can we name Typhoons after GG Allin songs? Just imagine a Tom Brokaw voice saying:

Evidence that NFL players are clearly NOT treated like race horses:

Enough Said.

This is the most "NFL" sentence ever written.

Take the rest of the day off Deadspin.