Sure, still, fuck the Yankees though.
Sure, still, fuck the Yankees though.
Yeah, sure, but also fuck the Yankees.
It looked like some kind of, I don’t know, fire drill perhaps?
Monsters of the Jetway
Ah, I see, THAT’s the deal with airline food.
Having never been touched like that by a woman before, it was all he could do to prematurely eject her.
Anything outside the 494/694 loop is Tom Emmer / Michele Bachmann / There Be Dragons territory.
I live in Ham Lake, and this is a terrifyingly accurate take. The volume of cul-du-sac cowboys in these here parts is mystifying. Congrats on your 12 trucks and zero retirement savings you corn cobs.
“-Randy and Tammy, MAGA turds from the northern suburbs who have a pickup truck value that exceeds their home value and took money out of Braedyn and Kymlynn’s college fund to renew their season tickets but “aren’t sure” if they’re going to still support the NFL if players keep kneeling”
Where I live (pretty white area of large diverse city) NextDoor might as well be called the Brown People Alert System. As in “Suspicious looking person knocked on my door, claimed to have car trouble, I wouldn’t open the door. Be on the lookout for them.” Suspicious always boils down to non-white.
Fuck In ‘n’ Out. Culver’s is what a thin burger should taste like.
I’ve had to learn to just go with the burger and stop. For too long, the family order was burger, curds and a concrete because “Why not? It’s there and it’s good.” And then we’d all wonder why we felt like shit for the next 48 hours. If I’m starving, I’ll do single ButterBurger and curds. Or burger and concrete. But…
I’m glad I discovered Culver’s at middle age. If I grew up around them, I’d be 800 pounds. At this age, I can only handle that kind of abuse once every couple of months.
Somewhere Tom Thibodeau is trying to find his erection so he can play with it
I was thinking something very similar. I bet they lead the nation in peppermint bark consumption.
A highly underrated “one of the great quotable flicks” of all time.
The worst legacy of the ‘90s. Abstract nouns as team names. Lynx is kinda cool, though.
As an ally (I think, at least in this case) I don’t know what it took to reach me. Maybe just me stop being an asshole and learning to respect women as people?
Mr. Thrower took out my favorite name of the competition: Alpha Omega Nickelberry IV, so this victory is well-deserved.