and a diamond Cuban necklace
There's nothing wrong with a little fisting in an intense clash, unless it's at a Sesame Street wrap party.
Isn't that out off John Chaney's playbook?
in just 24 mpg, but his totals increased as the season went on, indicating that his conditioning is improving
Shaq refers to him as "The Big Call Center".
What's more annoying, seeing a player from the state of your favorite team light it up in the tourney playing for Bucknell or seeing a player who transferred from your favorite team to Colorado State average a double double and lead his team to the tourney where he will, predictably, light it up?
I'll do you one better....The Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport has been going through extensive renovations (since 1972) and as a result, some gate areas have iPad stations that you can use for free. These iPad stations surround a bar and grill where you can use the iPad to order food and booze. The only drawback is…
They were going to try it out on the 17th at Sawgrass, but everyone knows Hoverflies don't work over water.
Worst Tomorrowland attraction ever!
But in general, the tournament remains a reliable signpost in life that things do not always have to be shitty and horrible.
Can someone playing the straight man kill someone with a trident?
Why does the East Coast go batshit crazy over snowstorms? As soon as a low pressure center moves over Minnesota, Roker launches a drone from his situation room. They happen like every three weeks, shouldn't they be acclimated by now?
Seriously, how could you forget to rank the blueberry cake donut?
The funeral is going to be awkward if Kane doesn't interrupt the service to choke slam Bearer into his grave.