Perhaps Christian Ponder and Samantha Steele were filming one of those "This is SportsCenter" commercials.
Perhaps Christian Ponder and Samantha Steele were filming one of those "This is SportsCenter" commercials.
Just once, I want Brian Williams turn to Savannah Guthrie and say,
You know Nevada would turn into some post-apocolyptic cross between Mad Max/The Road Warrior and the Hill Valley in Back to the Future Part II that results from Biff getting a hold of the Sports Almanac, with Area 51 acting as sort of a Palestine full of cloned alien strippers. Although, they'd probably have to form…
-200 at 7 am and 346 at noon? So Green Bay really is the Uranus of NFL cities!
Too bad John Sterling is on the radio, because he'd drop the A-bomb on Ken Harrelson, all while sending a tex message, watching the rising son and waiting for melkman to deliver.
The field judge (102) jaws with the line judge (59, number partially visible). The two officials who actually made the call are silent.
While the NFL did acknowledge the missed offensive pass interference call, the statement makes no mention of how Golden Tate inadvertantly struck Referee #26 with a metal folding chair that was meant for M.D. Jennings, rendering #26 unconscious until the exact second both players hit the ground holding on to the ball.
Honestly, what did the NFL expect when they hired Earl Hebner to be a replacement ref?
Straight from Romania, it's a party in the mouth!
The Mets tried this strategy in 2005. Unfortunately, management asked Doug Mientkiewicz instead of Mike Piazza to take Kris Benson out for some road beef. At least it wasn't a total loss, since that night Kris learned that curly fries dipped in horsey sauce is surprisingly delightful.
Was the call for "Illegal use of the thong" which resulted in a rogue?
Thank god this wasn't a Pirates game, because an IV bag of Cytoxan totally violates the iPhone's warranty. Besides, that's the last thing anything associated with Apple would need.
That's the shIT. +1
Arsenalnoye! From the cold bowels of Russia comes this terrifying malt liquor that may or may not be pure formaldehyde.
if I decide to watch football instead of some asshole kid show
Can't wait for the T-Wolves MLK Day Celebration when Brandon Roy and Derrick Williams will be handing out Dave and Buster's game tokens to the first 5,000 fans.
Twin Cities area Men's Wearhouse stores will now offer pull tabs to help pay for the rest of the suit.