
As a penis owner, I fail to understand how one can actually pleasure oneself using a piece of cheap old corroded metal covered in road grime and carbon deposits without reducing one’s gentleman sausage to a lacerated, profusely bleeding mess. While maintaining an erection.

Secret testing of the new VW TDI nascar engine

I still think they should’ve called it “Coin Eater” instead.

“A lot of people are just drawn into their phones, you know, staring in this, not really paying attention to what’s going on,” said Soch. “You really gotta pay attention to what’s going on around you.”
The irony of them only spotting the offender because their game froze...

You forgot the best part: You can literally teabag people as an elderly woman with one of her emotes.

Team Valor is the only choice for a real american!

The DC gyms are nuts. One day after launch there was a 1000 CP vaporeon outside of my office. ONE DAY. I’m still proud of my dumb 200 CP kingler.

Not for the 1st time,

What a time to be alive!

I love this manufacturer. There is no better choice on the entire physical spectrum when it comes to quality intersecting with value smashing into great customer service.

I love this manufacturer. There is no better choice on the entire physical spectrum when it comes to quality


Apparently there is an authentication issue with accounts that are linked to your Trainer Club account as opposed to ones linked to Google accounts (which still have the issue but not nearly as often), most likely due to server overload.

If you are getting the “Unable to Authenticate” message, registering using a

It’s been almost a year since you last updated this page. I’d love to see a revised shopping list for these builds!

For the life of me I’ll never understand why they make these host countries build all this bullshit. Use the existing facilities. Isn’t that part of the whole “hosting” thing? To show off your country’s charms? If a country doesn’t have the infrastructure to host the games as is, then don’t fucking go there.

Sooooo no more “rubbin’ is racin’”?

In soccer when a player is ejected from a match he cannot be replaced. So an ejection resulted in the Galaxy only being able to field 10 players at a time. If there had been another ejection for them then they could have only fielded 9 players, etc.

Don’t forget the reboots and the remasters of previous reboots.

Eventually there will be no new games; we will just play one set of games that get remastered for each hardware iteration.