D.Va being seen as a total shitlord gamer is one of the greatest things to come out of Overwatch.
D.Va being seen as a total shitlord gamer is one of the greatest things to come out of Overwatch.
maybe, but man, the work involved in recording all that dialogue and making custom assets for la liga, serie a, etc....it’d be a nightmare.
I’m 100% certain he just doesn’t give a fuck.
Terry Crews seems like the only one there who actually plays games. Dude was so excited to wreck some console peasants.
Literally all the celebrities and athletes they’ve had so far look so confused. This host guy is also pretty awful.
You missed it.
40% smaller? But that removes the benefit of the original in that you can easily use it to kill someone if they break into your house.
is DVA in this game too or
The $10 thing sounds nuts, but it’s likely to cover them legally against anyone saying “well, I went there unawares to buy the game with money, it’s not my fault the store was broken”
Like dead in the sense of all humans die or dead in the sense that Deadspin will inevitably go away due to this?
As long as we can keep complaining about kinja.
That’s the point - on this site, the states/countries resize based on where they put them to be comparable to what’s actually there. So if you move Texas up to Greenland, you can see what it looks like compared to Greenland, but it looks bigger because at Greenland’s location on the map, this projection makes it look…
I think he’s talking more of the possibility of the bullet missing the tire or going through the tire and ricocheting off the ground. I’m sure if there’s even a 1% chance of that happening, with the number of people who were around, that’s not a chance the NYPD wants to take. That’s a lawsuit and a half.
Uhhh... go ahead and try to hit the TIRE on an erratically moving vehicle with your pistol. Not gonna happen.
I’m starting to get a little tired of my nutritionist. It’s been debunked over and over that coffee is not as much of a diuretic as once claimed. She even told me that tea - TEA - doesn’t count towards my water intake, and that has less than HALF as much caffeine as coffee. Plus it’s good for you, so I think its worth…
I want this so bad. Just in like, theory though. I don’t actually wanna run around with it lol
It’s all fun and games until Blizzard releases the next D.Va skin and it’s just her face covered in Dorito’s cheese.
Now if the other female characters could walk around in something more believable than a swimsuit...