
Actually yeah it does. If I'm doing 10 over in the left lane it's not reasonable for me to move over into a line of trucks doing 20 mph less than me to let you break the law more than me.

Given your posting history, the most believable part of your story is your fine tuned expertise at judging male physique during group showers.

Probably residents of the country we’re galavanting around in.

No, really. The ‘emergency’ that it is meant for is a brake failure. If the pedal goes to the floor, then you pull the handle. Pulling the handle in a car with a properly working brake system is for fun only.

Somebody doesn’t understand that the e-brake is not some emergency third wheel that pops down and adds to the front and rear brake’s stopping power.

hence why so many bars have chalkboard (or hell, digital) displays. keg tabbed, board erased, boom. And yes, many bars I go to print out menus every day. Or at the very least a board saying “out of X”

The pre-w211 refresh cars are abhorrent. Spend some time reading on the E55 forums and you’ll see the various nightmares.

Everyone thinks this is a great idea, and then the people seriously considering it check into the maintenance issues and find that the E55 was pretty unreliable, mostly because of the shit w211 platform it’s based on. The forums for E55 owners are full of various problems. These cars were still very much from the

I think you misspelled repairs

The gears are big time drag. Getting over 210 KTS is relly a challenge. But ists still short / rough field capable.

Dude, the paramedics don’t slap you in handcuffs and stuff you in a cruiser if you refuse to show them ID.

The problem with your analogy, is this guy doesn’t need the cops. There’s no risk of him helping wrongly, when all they really need is for him to leave.

Hey if you’ve done nothing wrong and have nothing to hide, why not let cops search your car, your house and your bank account? It’s a slipperly slope. Once you give up one right, they will take away the rest.

The hell with their paperwork. Their paperwork does not justify infringing on the citizen’s rights. FFS.

Then change the law, if any, to protect your privacy. They need to keep their nose out of my business if I did nothing wrong. Capitulating simply encourages them.

Oh I am aware what it’s for. Doesn’t mean you have give it to him so your name ends up in their call records.

Wow. You know it’s been too long since they built full size station wagons when stuff like this happens.

The FAA report should be interesting - I wonder if the pilot truly couldn’t glide out to a suitable spot to land, or if he just yanked the ‘chute. Shortly after takeoff is certainly the worst time for failure...but also seems to indicate a lack of proper preflight. $50 says there wasn’t a proper run-up check.

So there is a possibility that the pilots might here this very soon ?

Any else notice what looked like a green laser pointer coming from the city below during the Raptor refuel?