Subtle? From looking at the comments, plenty of people got it.
Subtle? From looking at the comments, plenty of people got it.
"Oh look, a tractor. I bet they're making fun of Porsche, and it's a Porsche Diesel tractor."
Even if the system doesn't fully stop the car, it still saves lives and reduces injuries. Just a 5mph reduction can mean the difference between a pedestrian surviving or dying.
"SAE Certified horsepower"? There's no such thing.
My Fox Boston reports that Rosie's owner John Costello took her for a walk by Bolivar Pond in Canton. When they were done they hopped into the Neon, but Rosie somehow hit the gear shift and then fell on top of the gas pedal.
Way to not read the article. ZEV credits are sold to other car companies.
Yeah, try and push a fat, bearded man on a 500lb motorcycle at 65mph, and feel the drag.
As absurd as the sneezing story sounds, it's apparently more common that you think (OK, than I thought). Boston Magazine pulled up instances where sneezing was a factor in people losing control of vehicles.
There needs to be a version of Godwin's law wherein it's inevitable that in any discussion about Israel, if someone says something that isn't positive, someone will scream "ANTI SEMITISM!"
Ahhhhh, my US tax dollars at work. Nothing like living in a supposedly secular country with a supposed separation of church and state...which is propping up one of the most religious countries in the world with billions upon billions of dollars in aide because of a religious lobby.
I've never seen a video of a US crew rushing to put out a car fire. By the time they arrive, the car is destroyed anyway. They're just putting it out so the wrecker can drag it away.
This is why smart transit agencies have a prototype built and then test it; catches mistakes like this *before* you build a few hundred, and lets you test everything. Can you service it easily in the service shed? Can the operators get in and out easily at the end of the line? It also allows for making sure the train…
Oh look, it's a gun owner trying to play constitutional scholar.
Oh don't actually have a "right to off-road", particularly given the damage it causes to terrain, and how disruptive it is to both wildlife and other people trying to enjoy nature.
Melting the reservoir is one thing. Superheating the brake fluid and destroying the seals on the MC is another.
Trucks are banned from all of NY's parkways and this is VERY clearly marked. The trucker never should have been there in the first place.
You're driving. Put the #!*#&ing phone away. If you want to film video of weird shit going on around you, buy a dash cam.
Why not just have a relative take the keys and drive it off the prope...oh, wait.
Yeah, great, have your remaining grandmother endanger or kill others. Brilliant.
It's called "bump stops."