Nobody was injured, the cars are insured, the building is not someone's home, etc.
Nobody was injured, the cars are insured, the building is not someone's home, etc.
I love how we're saying "woman's horniness", not "woman sexually harasses, assaults, and threatens man."
I look forward to seeing stories of people smashing the headlights to steal the crystals.
"Being charged with careless driving implies you're a licensed driver. "
Toddler. Also, lolz @ "special secure" track, heh.
Could people please start providing links to the video starting where there isn't a douchey hipster fuckhead inbred pretending, in the absolute most painful way, to have an accent?
Google "anecdotal fallacy" and "appeal to emotion fallacy."
Go look up "straw man argument." Then look up "appeal to emotion fallacy."
Google "straw man argument", please.
The problem is not so much you, as it is the sort of general hyperfocus. Sorry. Should've said so :-|
The idea that trans people are getting axe-murdered left and right is completely hyperbolic. In 2012 in the US, there were 25 "anti-LGBTQ" homicides. Most anti-LGBTQ violence is aimed at gay men; trans people represent single-digit percentages even amongst just LGBTQ victims.
Sigh. I'm sad I'm wrong :-(
It's in the middle of a field, not "outside someone's dorm window." In case you didn't detect this, the complaints are chock full of dead-serious hyperbole.
Where's the trigger warning?!
Given it is in the middle of a field please explain how you would come across it 'unexpectedly'.
She seems delighted that students are interacting with him. Which is to be expected when you randomly drop a piece of artwork on a college campus. That's, in fact, usually the point.
The statue is not "freaking everyone the fuck out" unless you consider "everyone" to be "less than half a dozen very loud-mouthed, controversy-seeking individuals out of a population of several thousand students." Apparently tons of people are posing with the statue giggling and laughing (probably looks even…
"As an American of Irish descent"
I want to believe. I do. But after getting completely fucked over on an 'R, no thank you.
Reminder: cancer kills far more men than it does women; it's a almost a 1.5:1 ratio. Breast cancer is one of the most survivable, treatable forms there is thanks to regular screenings, lots of public awareness campaigns, heaps and heaps of cash for research and patients, etc.