
“No biker became aggressive with the driver after the incident,” said Mr. Towles, who belongs to a Brooklyn motorcycle club. “People were just trying to find out what just happened.”

I'm trying to figure out why/how this guy is able to park on the street every day.

Watch a black motorcycle mob/gang engage in a racially motivated violent mob attack on a "YT", is more like it.

Eighteen year old girl with a white-sounding name, new-ish car, 4:13 in the morning...what do you think?

I can attest to the sturdiness of car windows.

This American Life is thataway —->>>

I wonder how much the course has changed since 1996, when a Volvo 850 did 1:23.

You forgot all the shifting...

What. The...

Giant plastic engine cover in a muscle car? Doin' it wrong, son.

The clip of the kid laying dramatically on the hood is an oldie. It cuts away too soon; in the original, the driver gets out, points at the camera, the kid's all "ohhhh", and the driver smacks the kid upside the head.

If the pedestrian sprints out into the road, no...the right of the pedestrian isn't absolute.

Jalopnik shouldn't be helping perpetuate the myth that faster car = faster lap times. Driving talent, familiarity with the car, curb weight, and tire quality rule the roost on many a decently tight track, and this is such a track. That looks like a 924 on cold tires that right out of pit lane seems to have little

Glad it ended 'well', but sometimes it doesn't. A couple of teens attacked a woman in Chicago, driving by and grabbing her backpack.

It's also not known why apparently she (or any of her three friends) couldn't call 911.

2001 called, wants its potato back.

Side bonus: if you get into a crash, you'll be killed instantly, so you won't have to suffer.

Notice the difference between the pilot flying the older jet, and the pilot flying the newer does-everything-for-you jet? One's got stick skills, the other is ham-fisted. The mass of the larger plane helps a bit of course, but still...this is what happens when most of your career is spent pushing buttons, not pushing

Raise your hand if you saw the darker wet-spot on the ice and said to yourself "I know where it's going to go through...."

In an interview with 9News, pilot Dennis Pierce argued that he had no intention of extorting any victims of the flood and that the people who shot the video were not in a serious emergency.