This video showed a helicopter pilot offering a ride out of a flooded Colorado farm for no less than $1,200. It easily went viral. Now the pilot has spoken out, and he's not as 'greedy' as he first appeared.
This video showed a helicopter pilot offering a ride out of a flooded Colorado farm for no less than $1,200. It easily went viral. Now the pilot has spoken out, and he's not as 'greedy' as he first appeared.
A swollen hand that isn't due to a bone break could quite likely be an infection. That can lead to blood infection or septic shock if not treated, both life-threatening conditions, and the amount of time before that sets in is in the 'day or two' range, particularly if he doesn't have heat, clean water, plenty of…
Not arrested for "protesting red light camera", arrested for refusing to provide ID. The bit about the permit is bullshit, however, and they knew it, which is why he was booked on the pedestrian violation.
The sad part of this is that assuming he's averaged 60MPH (an impossibility), he's spent at least 5.7 years sitting in that car.
.....this was posted a day or two ago...
Uh, no, nobody would get arrested for "money laundering" if they refused coins - you don't understand what "money laundering" means.
Next up: Ben Oliver loads a revolver with a bullet, spins the chamber, pulls trigger while aiming gun at head. Places gun on table and eats dinner. Goes to dance club and waves gun around; nothing happens. Dives into a pool filled with bullets, nothing happens. Has a sleepover in a gun store with hundreds of guns,…
That's because her Camry is All New!
Whoever's driving the white car apparently has not heard of drafting...or noticed how much faster he's able to catch up to other cars when he's directly behind them...
Key word: manhandling. Lot easier to keep the car pointed straight if you're not slamming the gas pedal every 5 seconds.
No, douchey was making this an animated gif for ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING REASON.
Why Detroit Went Bankrupt in One word: Specialization.
This crash is why you don't race in the rain on slicks.
For everyone ooh-ing and aah-ing about how "strong" and "amazing" the GTR is for such a "bad" crash, look at how long the collision was with the guard rail, how the vehicle had considerable momentum after the crash with the rail, and dissipated the remainder of its momentum skidding out.
No, it's because the crash forces weren't that severe.
Moderns cars have progressive airbags. Given the relative softness of the initial collision, I'm guessing it deployed pretty gently.
It's not how fast the car is going or how impressive the crash is, it's how "fast" you reach v=0. That's why cars are designed with crumple zones - the car's body more gradually decelerates. There's a known correlation between acceleration and organ damage; everything in your car is designed to keep that acceleration…
Shame that most of the rolling stock in America/Canada/Mexico/etc don't even have ABS, certainly not in the trailer's wheels. This system is unlikely to ever see widespread adoption if even ABS, which is now standard on almost any car, won't.