Why on earth do you think "road feel" matters in a heavy goods vehicle? In this case, in a vehicle designed for off-road driving on switchback roads?
Why on earth do you think "road feel" matters in a heavy goods vehicle? In this case, in a vehicle designed for off-road driving on switchback roads?
Um....is there a reason you're condoning this being done on an open, public street?
Speed limits are not just about reaction time and such. They're also about survivability of the people you might crash into. Speed does, in fact, kill - for pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, and yes, even people inside cars. In urban environments, a 30mph speed limit means few pedestrians survive you hitting them.…
50kph is 30mph. Worst case scenario is (to transpose to English units): 90mph in a 60.
He was looking at his computer terminal, texting, or fell asleep at the wheel.
If you're in a SPEC class and someone is rapidly approaching you, that means *you* SUCK and you should allow the pass. There's a reason flaggers have a blue flag, son. It means "we'er having a race, would you like to join us?"
Maybe she'd divorce your sorry ass for using misogynistic insults at her...
Every time I see a hipster douchebag (or hear them, from three blocks away, because they've stripped off the exhaust) on a Puch spewing a cloud of blue smoke behind them I want to punch them in the face.
Uhhhh...I find it extremely implausible that a bunch of street racers faked a helicopter (plus, they're traveling at speeds few/no civilian-easily-available drones could keep up at.) I think it's more likely the helicopter was keeping track of the racers the cops on the ground couldn't get to right away, they caught…
You can't do $20 nights at a new-construction track with near-the-city real estate prices and wages.
Just file a request with NYPD for the report. They're public record in most states, though most police departments seem to really feel otherwise.
Why? It's a diesel...narrow rev range. Eight speeds > 6 speed manual
I know someone at Alpina has a serious hard-on for that wheel pattern, but every time I see it, I just go "meh."
Fuel tanks and cars do not explode when shot at, unless you're in a Hollywood movie or video game.
That's only 12mph. Most cyclists, even beginners, can easily average that speed.
"16 to 19 mph" is a huge differential in effort level - quoting calorie figures for something like that is idiotic.
I'd like Audi USA to know that you can put diesel engines in A3's with quattro, and A4's.
(The A3 TDI was only available in frontrak, aka failtrak.)
Ken Block is not a rally driver. He's a gymkhana/drift driver who occasionally tries to rally.
Why do you think they even bothered looking at cameras, instead of just getting the account info from Youtube?