
Can I consult with you the next time a thread pops up about cyclists proceeding through red lights?

"the implications this could have for retroactive traffic enforcement."

You became a less responsible driver because the car isn't yours, you don't have any emotional attachment to it, and you probably don't respect it very much.

Yeah, and you can't deny that Ethiopians like to be thin!

Enough with the GIFs. Seriously. They're showing up in my RSS feed; they're incredibly distracting, they change too fast for me to really get a good look at either photo which means they're pointless, and NINEEN NINETY SIX CALLED AND WANTS ITS ANIMATED WEB PAGES BACK.

LEDs are pulsed to get the most luminous flux; they're less efficient the hotter the junction is. Running at a partial duty cycle means the junction has time to dissipate some heat before it's switched on again. So, to provide make-pretend numbers: run the LED 1/10th of the time, at 10x its normal continuous power.

"If you don't live in America, you are spoiled for choices when it comes to hot rod wagons."

They shouldn't have gotten into that position in the first place, they shouldn't have been operating that fast that close to other boats, etc. There's simply no excuse for hitting stationary, docked boats.

This evening I was walking down the sidewalk and an old guy came out of a store and just stood there, staring at me angrily, blocking my path by about 6 inches.

It is so wonderfully Japanese that they simply pretend people with handicaps don't exist or matter, and make subway stations that are inaccessible to said people.

"understand how others control or don't control their cars."

How DARE Toyota leave somewhere for auxiliary equipment switches! Jerks!

Hop into a mix-2000's BMW and put on polarized sunglasses. All the LCD displays go completely blank, from the instrument cluster to the radio to the climate controls.

You should work at a rape counseling center; they'd find your expertise so helpful. Instead of all that difficult, time-consuming psychological counseling and treatment, they could just say "your self-protection skills suck" and "wow, you sure used poor judgement there" and "you shouldn't dress so provocatively" and

What is this doing on Jalopnik? Detroit is just another city that invested itself entirely in one industry and paid the price, just like every other city before it. It's happened for two centuries and it'll keep on happening as long as voters are too stupid to keep falling for preferential industry treatment in the

Given that men are victims of violent crime three times more than women, you're right, it isn't the same thing for you.

"but will still have to deal with shit from people almost every single day, because no matter where you go, there are intolerant people. There are racist people. There are mean people. And that scares me."

Whiter than white (German/Irish) and my favorite comfort food is Mom's baked mac and cheese casserole.

Reminds me of the crap with the Audi Club of North America, formerly known as the Quattro Club USA. Lots of shadiness around Frank Beddor and his Sport Quattros, one of which was "donated" to "the club."