
Carmakers are courting the asian market because it's the fastest growing one.

Remember when they used to actually review mainstream cars, but add amusing twists?

South Korea is a first-world country, moron. Way to demonstrate ignorance.

Or you could google "finalgear"...

I think the only reason I'm getting 350KB/sec is because I'm also uploading at nearly that.

They ARE scanning the plates and storing the date, time, and location the plate was spotted, moron.

Calling Cyanogen "stable" is pretty hilarious - or at least it was about a year ago.

Yeah, that's realistic...good lord, look at the weight transfer and massive ground clearance...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought "my god, that driving position is horrible/unrealistic/impossible"

If the dealer system works better is better for customers, then they'll decide that on their own.

Whoa. Is that the 'ring?

Seems drivers don't seem to "understand" any part of the sidewalk either. But please, do go on about how the problem is cyclists brushing against you by accident on the sidewalk.

Way to take a gorgeous classic and make it look like a cartoon version of the already ugly first-gen Z3.

Had a 960 wagon. Parallel parking that thing was super easy - it has a ridiculously small turning radius and it's pretty much a greenhouse all the way around, which oddly enough, makes it a great city car; hanging a U-turn on even a small side street was easy. Completely useless in the snow, though.

Ahhh, the old "I'm allergic to..." and "I'm _____ intolerant" princesses.

It doesn't, basically. Don't try it unless you know for a fact that you've just personally witnessed a felony-level crime and there's an immediate public danger. The laws vary state to state.

Dunno, but it's literally the first Porsche ever! It was a prototype and raced a few times.

Let me guess, you ran out into the street without looking, and a cyclist came out of nowhere. What was your excuse the second time, idiot?

This is the original Porsche. 356-001. With Ferry Porsche in the seat. Panorama published it in memoriam after he passed; the scan doesn't do it justice.
