I was pleased to see that Nightcrawler is still as insuperable as I remembered him to be. Playing with him is something akin to entering a God Mode code.
I was pleased to see that Nightcrawler is still as insuperable as I remembered him to be. Playing with him is something akin to entering a God Mode code.
@RaindropBebop: Way to bring it on home.
Is the Torch REALLY $599 off-contract? Good God, ya'll.
As long as this isn't just some sort of Comcast PowerBoost styled shenanigans, I can see the appeal here.
@prometheus_303: Unfortunately, Verizon's 4G is quite capped at the moment. The business account that my boyfriend holds possession of entails a 10GB cap which, at the pretty stellar speeds that the service provides, doesn't last as long as we'd like. Really puts a cramp on my Netflixing habits ha.
I know you're just trying to appeal to the Gunstar Heroes fan within me, Konami! ...and goddamnit, it's working like mad. I'm all over this.
@See you suckers later: CRAZY spacious here. I was born here and have lived here for the majority of my life, but the sprawl still perturbs me. Of course, the matter would be somewhat alleviated if our public transportation weren't such a joke. (Admittedly though, DART is making strides... kinda)
@ClaudioIphigenia: That's a pretty bang-up idea, my friend. I hope someone with some influence over these matters lurks within these comments!
Could be Bull Shit, but it's Clearly Entertaining.
I am now in a complete and perfect state of cautious optimism.
Oh God, just stop buying them. Please stop buying them.
If he was daring enough to make the statement, then why wouldn't he elaborate upon it? As it stands, the man looks like a xenophobe and best and a corporate jingoist at worse. Both of those are weighty claims, and I wouldn't want to toss them about lightly. It is possible that his words have been... shall we say,…
@rimplestultskin: A-goddamn-MEN.
What, no background sized image? :(
@F.A.M.A.S.: Yeah, that seems to be a common thread in some of his other work. I love it, but then again I've always loved soft, supple hues in paint works.
While we're ranting about things that'll never happen:
This is considerably less offensive to me as a gay male than, let's say, The A-List is. At least here we can suggest that ignorance plays a part in perpetuating the stereotype which is far less damning to a minority group than assimilation into the stereotype.
Neither heroes nor villains, they're just humans. Would I have sex on a subway? Absolutely not. I'm no prude, but I think there's something to be said for sex remaining a tinge bit more private than this. This is a bit too much for me.