Good lord there's a lot of Transformers 3 jokes in here.
Good lord there's a lot of Transformers 3 jokes in here.
@csismything: You might want to read up on the man. He possess a considerable breadth of knowledge and interests. Just sayin'.
Warren, you are a wonderful game designer.
What do you Woz's family members buy him for Christmas? I can't imagine that someone with such a roaming intellect as his is easily satisfied and he's likely to already own the latest piece of lust-worthy tech before you're even aware of it.
I thought the fundamental argument against his films had to do with their artistic merit, not with his ability to corral Hollywood stars and inspire them toward mediocre performances that in no way affect their brand name because, let's face it, very few people take this guy seriously enough to care.
I've always called this a scissors-kick. When I think of bicycle-kicking, I think of Liu Kang.
@Whitson Gordon: That's weird, I was actually under the same impression that UPandB is. You really do learn something new every day.
@Ben Boyle: Interesting! I'll have to look into that. Thanks for the heads-up :)
The only thing I miss about instant photography is the ability to use physical film without having to take it to the store for development. I've never been hardcore enough to have a personal darkroom. I certainly don't miss anything about the Polaroid aesthetic.
I know the tendency in this situation is to defend an astonishing and paradigm-shifting discovery such as this one against all reproach, but the Slate article does a good job of representing the dissenting voices and their rather valid complaints. Don't take the easy way out of and accuse these scientists of being…
@toxic: Thank you for posting one of the few cogent comments in this article. It seems painfully clear that most people commenting haven't actually taken the time to click through and read the Slate article, otherwise they might give pause rather than blind allegiance to these findings.
Goddamnit, I love this country.
@BunninZoot: Of course they didn't, and I wouldn't suggest that they did. However I will suggest that there's a measurable difference between Kuti and Vampire Weekend and that music that accompanies this trailer sounds more like something the latter would write rather than the former.
Uhh, is Vampire Weekend doing the music for this game or something?
Pretty simple answer here: David Wise is a genius. Period. I've always loved his Battletoads vs. Double Dragon soundtrack as well, particularly the Stage 3 track.
Seems to me that there's a considerable amount of (detestable) arrogance on display within the supplementary Gates quotes that the linked NYT article provides. Takes a bit of the luster off of some otherwise laudable candor. Still, I appreciate the honesty.
@citizensmith: Shh.. they're listening. There's one outside my window now, pretending to be lost in play.
@astrocramp: Yep. Doesn't mean it can't be justified, however.
I'm no supergenius or anything, but it sounds as though these things, as previously depicted, could be fairly dangerous in malicious hands. Maybe Wicked Lasers attenuated the power that they originally promised in order to keep themselves from any claims of criminal negligence and the costly lawsuit that usually…