Captain K'nuckles

@MACaroni: Generally what I and everyone else does, but it's more or less a way for Apple to take the focus off of disparate services (twitter and facebook) for that niche usage and bring themselves to the forefront. I downloaded iTunes to try it out last night, but I've yet to see anything to coax me into using it.

I think Woz could probably tell a story about the time his lawnmower ran out of gas while he was mowing it and still manage to captivate the hell out of the crowd.

Has to be 3D, I guess. I just hope it can print me up a nice pair of mittens for the winter months.

@MacAttack: I wholeheartedly agree. But a cursory glance of eBay's active auctions shows a few, well-priced original Apple TV models for the taking.

@♫ Realityism ♪♫: My thoughts exactly.

Well, the feature was available as recently as last night, so it couldn't have been removed from the software on a Jobs' related whim "ages" ago. Odd.

@JustinPM: Definitely. I can understand (well, somewhat) Apple's decision to turn remove internal storage from the device if they're attempting to monetize their own store, but shipping the product without any external storage connections seems an odd and misguided choice to me. But I suppose that I'm not the average

If they'd slash that price down to expected 50-cents-on-the-dollar GB quota, I could probably be talked into buying one of these. I could put nearly all of my music catalog on it and keep it in the car.

@Hurting Now: Also another viable competitor here. It's really a shame that Apple's probably about to set all these firms back in one fell swoop. But then again, they've been known to do that from time to time.

I'm still way, way more intrigued by the Boxee Box, but competition is good. Maybe it'll force Boxee's hand into lowering the expected MSRP from $200 to $100.

It would've been "weird" to delete them? What an odd excuse. Would it have abrogated TARDIS or something?

The hardware, Palm, show me the hardware. I sang the praises of WebOS until I was blue in the face, but I couldn't bring myself to pull the trigger because of the Pre's suspect build quality.

@frigg: Not that any of us needed coaxing, of course!

Will the people who care about Arcade Fire consider this to be selling out? Will the people who care about the people who care about Arcade consider them to be silly for considering the band to be selling out? Will Google send them their money in the traditional, $'d out money bag or through Google Checkout? I've got

Whew. That was a close one. For a second there, I thought I might be also be a defendant in this case.

Faceparty? Facecash? Facetime? How does any of that have anything to do with Facebook? I disagreed with the pedantry behind their previous, anti-"book" bullying, but I could see the validity in their argument. This, however, is pure insanity. You generally have to be wearing a tin foil hat and shitting in a cup to be

@Green Man: Not on Wi-Fi, and certainly not on 4G. Of course, I can't exactly experience Netflix on the latter since they still haven't released an Android app. *sigh*

I love WebOS just as much as the next guy (who can't be arsed to actually buy any iteration of the Pre) but how the hell did this make it here before Android? Shameful.

@♫ Realityism ♪♫: Haha.

You know, there's some fantastic comedy writing in this skit.