Captain K'nuckles

@digisplicer: It's a joke at Steve Jobs' expense regarding his famously dismissive attitude when it comes to problems with Apple hardware. I know there's a Proximity Sensor problem. I'm kidding.

@mikieed: Where'd you read about that, Gizmodo?

There is no proximity sensor problem.

@DutchAlaskan: No, but I can say that I'm black, and I couldn't care less. I thought it was a silly article simply because I found the entire premise, of voyeuristically 'engaging' another individuals life to be wholly ridiculous. It seems to me that the underlying desire for comradery and to broaden one's life

When I read that one of the changes in 4.1 included taller ballers, I thought I was being pranked. Sadly, I am not. What's the game plan here?


@Tetsuooooooo: In the App Store version? I know the Jailbreak did.

Since when does the iPhone 4 support live streaming via Qik?

This was a nice bit of comic relief: On three seperate writings, two poems and one essay, my prose was compared to Palahniuk, Dickens and Shakespeare. +1 to my ego, I suppose.

That #3 is just awful. Just fucking terrible.

@Crashproof: Ahhh, yes that'd be wonderful. That's why I had broached the idea of separating them onto another HD. Of course, the upside of having less space is that it forces me to focus on quality of sound versus bells and whistles in my VST/VSTi search. I think my biggest program would be Speakerphone, which is

ATTN: Musicians who use SSDs!

@coalheartly: Ha yeah, that's essentially what I was getting at, before I started playing dumb. I guess that's a fairly obscure reference to make though? Thought more people had seen that film.

@coalheartly: I have no idea. All I know is that I, apparently, inadvertently stumbled onto the Emma Stone fan club.

What the HELL is this?

@MercerCh00x: Probably around the same time programmers started sacrificing functionality for aesthetic appeal.

She's no Ellen Page.

@Geisrud: I'm not sure, but it sounds like a helluva company name.