Captain K'nuckles

How do you say "classy" in Spanish?

@LARPkitten: Take it up with, Google, buddy.

Wikidroid, I think.

I don't know what piece of clothing you people see in that photograph. I just see a giant pork rind. And it's making me hungry.

Mastubatory gesture? That's a surprisingly infantile sentiment from a man responsible for such mature and refined art. I'm far from an iPad fan (in fact, the only Apple product I have is a busted up 1G Touch that hasn't been touched in a couple months), but that's a bit much.


Ha, god yes.

@Realityism ▲: Bad taste, yes? Funny? I haven't heard a good dead baby joke since high school. Offensive? Definitely to some, but I'm not particularly moved to rage.

@subVertNYC: Wait, don't you mean the Instamatic 100?

Who's the cub with the tramp stamps? I'd like to fring him for a while.

Really, what's with that unfortunate name?

Oh god, thank you app developers for doing what our phone platform pushers are too bullish to make happen. If video chat can't be cross-compatible, it's worthless.

@myfriendtheZebra: You know, I never realized it, but I sometimes do that as well. It's a subconscious thing for sure, since when I catch myself doing it once, I never do it again during that meal. The mind is a strange place.

@showbiz2: Yes yes, my mistake for forgetting about the differently-abled. It's far too easy to do so when you're not directly faced with such things.

Who are these people who have difficulty wielding both a knife and a fork simultaneously? I find that using the off hand with the fork rather than with the knife (as might be the natural inclination) helps things move more smoothly.

HA! Next time you complain about your smartphone's camera, consider complaining about the user instead. Beautiful work guys.

Looks as though the press release made it to my phone before the mobile site did. Still giving me the same experience as the supremely lackluster Android YouTube app.